Here at Burgh Thorpe Solicitors, we have a specialist construction law experts that can help with commercial property and construction contract law in Peterborough and surrounding areas. This is a specialist area of contract law. It applies in relation to any building works including the home in which you are currently using for business purposes.
There are many different trades involved within a commercial construction property project. These trades will often be under different terms, contracts and conditions. As your commercial property construction solicitors, we can assist you in choosing and making sure the right contracts are in place to protect your business. We then ensure that this is signed and agreed by both parties.
When it comes to commercial property construction law oftentimes parties will begin without contracts in place. This is all well and good, until it isn’t. Something goes wrong, as it often does in the world of construction. When this happens, the flow of the project is upset. It could be simple incidents such as bad weather or unexpected land conditions for example. Or it could be poor communication between the numerous parties on site, staff sickness or injuries. These are all things that can affect the project. This is why they need to be clearly outlined in a commercial property construction contract.
We have a team of commercial property lawyers that our experienced in construction law. This allows us to offer a bespoke and personal level of construction legal advice. This advice will be unique to your business needs. It will be designed to meet your desired outcome and achieve your goals.
Our commercial property construction law solicitors in Peterborough can help you in a wide range of ways. This include advising on contract reviews and negotiations, as well as procurement strategies. We can also offer advice on building disputes, construction disputes or disputes surrounding engineering projects. These are all areas in which our commercial property construction lawyers are experienced.
If you are looking for commercial property construction law specialists that will cover all aspects of the development and construction process, you have come to the right place. Our commercial property construction law solicitors are here to support and advise you on what is best for your business, every step of the way. Contact our commercial property lawyers now to find out more.